Collective Power 2025
Conference Registration
Register for Collective power 2025!
Our annual activist conference, Collective Power 2025 will be held on April 5-6, 2025 in Amherst, Massachusetts.
If you are a conference speaker, please use the separate registration link supplied to you via email, which captures presenter-specific information.
Do I need to register in advance?
Yes! All participants must register in advance. Advance registration allows us to plan for adequate food and accommodate accessibility needs.
Online registration ends on March 28th, 2025 at 11:59pm or when we reach capacity. Register now to reserve your place!
If you need ASL interpretation, have other access needs, or need on-site childcare, please register before March 15th.
Creating Conference Community
Please help us to diminish access barriers at the conference and continue to work and build with us so that the conference is more accessible to more people each year.
Please read through our Conference Community and Accessibility Page to prepare for your experience.
Please be smoke- and fragrance-free to the extent that you are able to, so that beloved community members with chemical sensitivities can attend the conference. You can learn more about the importance of and how to be fragrance free here
register now!
Important! This registration form is for general attendees. If you are a conference presenter, pre-conference attendee, Collective Rising intern or fellow, student group volunteer or Collective Power staff member, do not continue with this form! You have received an email with a link to a custom form for you.
Group registration and sponsors/exhibitors: Because this form asks for personal information, we are asking every individual to complete it for themself. If you are part of an organization or school that wants to send multiple people but only wants to make a single monetary transaction on behalf of the group, please select the appropriate Organization base tier below and then use the Additional Amount option to increase the price appropriate to the number of people you are sending. Continue with the registration form for yourself. Share this page with others in your group, and they can register at the $0 group registration rate. Similarly, for sponsors or exhibitors, if your business or organization has already made the sponsorship/exhibitor contribution, please make sure each person attending completes this form, registering at the $0 sponsorship rate.
Three ways to register
As a student
As an individual
As an individual with support from an organization
How to Register
Registration for the Collective Power 2025 is on a sliding scale in order to make the conference accessible to all. Our sliding scale model allows us to collectively subsidize the full cost to attend for those who cannot pay the full amount. Please see the list below to learn about our three different sliding scales for students, individuals attending without organizational support, and individuals attending with organizational support.
1. For students
Students are always welcome to attend for free but we welcome them to contribute any amount in order to off-set some of their costs. There are two ways to register for conference as a student:
- $0 Student Subsidized Rate – For students who wish to attend for free.
- $5-$100 Student Solidarity Rate – For students who can contribute to conference registration fees.
2. For individuals
For individuals attending Collective Power 2025 without organizational support, we invite you to see the sliding scale guideline for individuals in the following section and and then make your registration selection from the dropdown menu at the bottom. A registration fee of $370 covers the full cost to attend the conference. Any additional contribution you make will go towards making Collective Power 2024 accessible for another participant.
3. For Individuals with organizational support
- $370-$500 for individuals attending with organizational support from organizations with operating budgets less than $2M.
- $501-$1000 for individuals attending with organizational support from organizations with operating budgets greater than $2M.
Sliding Scale Registration for individuals
Registration for the Collective Power 2025 conference is on a sliding scale. Our sliding scale model allows us to collectively subsidize the full cost to attend for those who cannot pay the full amount.
For individuals without organizational support, in determining where you land on the sliding scale for your registration fee, ask yourself:
- Do I or my family own assets such as land, real estate, savings accounts, retirement accounts, or depend on other income generating sources, e.g. passive income or tenants?
- Did I attend private school or obtain an advanced degree(s)?
- Do I have the ability to obtain healthcare without struggling to figure out how to pay for it?
- Does my identity and lived experience largely lack the experiences of Indigenous, Black, people of color, and refugees?
- Do I have U.S. citizenship?
- Am I able-bodied or mostly able-bodied?
- Do I travel abroad for leisure?
Based on the number of questions you identify with, we ask you to select a registration tier in the registration drop-down for individuals below.
Please note: This sliding scale is meant to be a guide to help you decide how much to contribute to your registration fee. It is not meant to be prescriptive, definitive, or exhaustive. Our hope is this exercise helps us all practice community care as we work towards collective liberation and reciprocity. If you are having difficulty determining where you fall on the sliding scale or have questions, please get in touch with us at