Emerging Leaders

Emerging Leaders is a collaborative network that supports, connects, and trains new leaders who are building a diverse reproductive justice movement.

As with other Collective Power projects, Emerging Leaders Network takes a broad understanding of reproductive justice that emphasizes the intersections of reproductive rights and other aspects of social justice.

A national leadership development and movement-building network that trains and supports emerging community activists who are working to advance reproductive health, rights, and justice. 

Since 1999, the program has helped over 1,000 activists from 275 organizations to strengthen their advocacy skills, develop new strategic approaches, and make valuable connections to peers in other organizations and fields. The project supports recent graduates in their first jobs, emerging leaders at direct action and reproductive justice advocacy groups, new and advancing staff at large reproductive rights organizations, and new directors of community-based organizations.

The Emerging Leaders Network also creates opportunities for deep and meaningful collaboration across the reproductive justice movement.

A Black, queer visionary feminist, I have been organizing individuals and organizations toward liberation at the local, national, and international levels for more than a decade. . . What makes CLPP unique is its intentionality around leadership development – they’re creating a space for both new and experienced leaders with a focus on skill building and issues. It’s a rite of passage – all movement leaders have been through CLPP’s programs.
– Paris Hatcher, founder, Black Feminist Future