Collective People Power

Person soft smiling in front of a brick wall. They have very short brown hair and are wearing a brown/grey checkered suit jacket with a top to match.

Anne Hendrixson

Organizational Affiliation

Collective Power for Reproductive Justice


Senior Policy Analyst


Anne Hendrixson is the Senior Policy Analyst for Challenging Population Control at Collective Power. Before joining Collective Power, Anne was the Director of PopDev, the Population and Development Program at Hampshire College, and a lecturer in the school of critical social inquiry, where she taught for four years. Her work centers on how to understand and resist today’s population control in relation to changing global population trends, repressive reproductive politics, rising Far Right attacks on civil liberties, and worsening climate change. She tracks population politics along the political spectrum, focusing on when population is wrongly used to rationalize injustices like forced sterilization, border restrictions, and vigilante violence against BIPOC communities. She is currently researching the “great replacement” conspiracy—that falsely claims that so-called elites are replacing white Americans with Black and Brown immigrants—and its use in eco-fascist and related Far Right rhetoric against abortion, birth control, immigrants, and “overpopulation.”

She is the author of a number of popular articles including “Don’t Blame Babies (or Their Mothers) for Climate Change,” with Jade Sasser; a “Population” definition for Uneven Earth with Diana Ojeda, “If you care about climate change, should you have children?” and “Greening Malthus.” Her scholarly articles include a forthcoming chapter in an Elgar Handbook on migration called, “Challenging the ‘Lifeboat Discourse’ on population and migration,” “Threats and Burdens: Challenging Scarcity-Driven Narratives of ‘Overpopulation’” with Betsy Hartmann, and “Population Control in the Troubled Present: The ‘120 by 20’ Target and Implant Access Program.” As part of a feminist collective, Anne co-edited “Confronting Populationism: Feminist Challenges to Population Control in an Era of Climate Change,” a special issue of Gender, Place & Culture 27,3 (2020) and contributed to three co-authored articles in it.